Re: Last night burned bad
Nicolas, I looked up the weather history for your area and it was the morning of December 15th it got down to 30F.
That's pretty bad for that far south. It got down to 26F here in Mandeville, LA (only 35 in New Orleans). I've been cleaning up dead banana fronds - thousands of 'em - for days now. I'll be finishing up all the tall stuff today. It's a lot of work but only for a few days.
All the fruit that was out got zapped. 99% of what got badly damaged in January did not get to mature at all this year. And now approximately 11 months to the day? later, another zapper.
Where is the so called global "warming" when it seems we're just getting colder and colder spells like this? Where is this supposed La Nina that gives the SE US a warmer and wetter winter on average?
All worthless myths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was playing on the beach in Fort Lauderdale in...1977? 1979? when it snowed. I was just a kid.