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Old 12-30-2010, 09:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Earthquake this am --in Indiana!

Not a dangerous one though. It was about 4.2 and lasted for only about 10 seconds. The weird part though was it made a noise that lots of people around here heard, kind of like a car hitting a telephone pole. It shook the house real quick and with the shake and the noise, I thought one of our old trees finally gave up and hit the house. I ran from window to window to see which one it was until it finally it me a couple of hours later what it could be.
The center was about 30 miles from us.
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
1501 East Fuson Road
Muncie, IN 47302

specializing in bananas, heirloom tomatoes and water gardening plants~
check out our new online store at our website!
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