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Old 01-04-2011, 05:42 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Default Re: How to prevent disease introduction when moving banana pups between countries?

Thank you very much for your reply Gabe!

Always informative and exactly what i was looking for! Doing it the legal way will surely help cut down on the risk but since i cant be sure the protocols will be followed properly at the exporting country,treating them myself as well upon arrival should make things even safer!

Indeed,not knowing much about bananas and their diseases surely doesnt help with getting clean material to start with. I am sending him several articles,photos and papers to get an idea on what he should avoid and some guidelines on collecting. Hopefully he does a good job and the material is exportable...

Thanks a lot for describing a proper treating procedure! Do i follow it after the hot/boiling water treatment to get rid of the remaining pathogens? Do i need to par(peel?) the corm or is it safe enough to do it with its outside intact and only the roots cut off?

I plan to grow the resulting plants in a room under artificial lights for 9 months and if nothing suspicious,they get to see the sun again next year!
''To try,is to risk failure......To not try,is to guarantee it''
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