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Old 01-10-2011, 05:34 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Hilo Hawai'i
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Default Re: Minimum container size for dwarf variety, privacy purposes, not looking for fruit

Originally Posted by Apeel View Post
We have abysmally short fences surrounding our house in my neighborhood suburbia- maybe five feet. So you can easily see over the fence, to the neighbor 5 houses away!

Anyhow, to compound things, we built a deck on our sloping yard, so the deck has raised both ourselves and our view by that much more. We get along fine and dandy with our neighbors, but I'm sure that we all agree that a little privacy in the summer and fall would be nice.

While we are planting the larger models (ice cream and basjoo) in the ground along one side of the fence, we are planning on putting several pots of the dwarf variety on our deck.

We do not want large pots to take up too much space on our modest-sized deck. So with dwarf cavendish and orinoco, I'm looking at the minimum pot size I can work with in the Texas heat that'll give me about 5 ft or higher in height. I'm not growing these for fruiting purposes, just a little privacy.

And yes, I know a gallon container isn't gonna cut it!!!
If you are determined to keep them in pots, the Dwaf Cav will require at least a 25 gallon pot. Since you want privacy, you'll have to let the pups grow to full maturity while the parent does too. Eventually, you'll be able to cut the mat in half and start a new pot.

Some of the ornamental bananas, if ferted and irrigated often, will get to 5 or more feet in height and can be kept in a large pot indefinitely as their lateral roots don't need to move out. They can wind around inside the pot and be perfectly happy.

Aloha from Hawai'i
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