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Old 01-14-2011, 11:20 PM   #309 (permalink)
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Default Re: Time to put the bananas to sleep for the Winter

Hello all,

I realize this thread is very old, however it is one of the most informative out of the bunch. I would like to start by stating i am honored to be the first post of 2011!

Now its time for business! I have what i believe strongly to be a musa basjoo nana plant that has been through 2 outdoor summers (with the rest of its time indoors because i live in a zone 7 on Long Island NY).

I have posted on a few threads earlier this fall about wintering my plant and trying to figure out what to do with it this year now that its height (with leaves still attached) is about 10 feet or so.

Every other year, i would bring the plant inside and put it under a plant growth bulb on a timer during the colder months, watering and misting it keeping it growing slowly throughout the year. this year however, i needed to find a different approach because it is too tall for the ceilings in my house. after posting and reading responses from other threads, i determined it would be alright to put the basjoo in my garage for the winter because it is usually around 40 degrees or so.

I have wrapped the trunk of the plant with towels to keep it as warm as possible, and the garage door has been closed unless cars were going in or out. although the garage is not heated, the plant has seemed to be doing fine without any light or water since mid october or so... that is until this past monday 1/10/11 when i discovered that all the leaves stems have creased/ folded and dropped to its sides (became to heavy to hold up). i believe this is due to the harsh winter we have been experiencing here in NY the past month or so, and i imagine the 2 blizzards in the past week haven't helped much at all.

When i noticed the plant in this state, i put a thermometer in the garage with the door closed and after some time it read 39 degrees mid day, however im assuming it must have reached lower temps than that at night during some of the harsh snow storms.

When i examined it, some parts of the trunk that weren't wrapped with towels (because leaves were in the way) seemed to have wrinkled a bit, but the trunk didnt feel frozen what so ever.

when i noticed what happened to the plant, i cut all the leaves but 2 off, and brought it inside, and gave it a little water to wet the roots and rehydrate the trunk.

what im asking all you experts is to take a look at the information and pictures i will post and tell me if you think the plant will still shoot new leaves come springtime when it goes back outdoors.

im not sure if the two leaves that are currently on the plant will survive, because they too have folded and creases. if these two leaves also come off how exactly will the plant be able to soak up sunlight for photosynthesis?

Im just a little worried and i guess i need some reassurance.

Thanks in advance!

These links are to different pics of the plant as of yesterday before cutting most leaves off (pics in found in my photo gallery).

also, sorry i didnt know how to actually post the pictures in this message, i tried but it didnt work. hope this isnt too annoying!

Banana Gallery - IMG_3187

Banana Gallery - IMG_3189

Banana Gallery - IMG_31881

Banana Gallery - IMG_31901

Banana Gallery - IMG_3193

Banana Gallery - IMG_31921

Banana Gallery - IMG_31912

Banana Gallery - IMG_3196

Banana Gallery - IMG_3198

Banana Gallery - IMG_3200

Banana Gallery - IMG_3199

Banana Gallery - IMG_3195

Following pics are after bringing inside and cutting all leaves but two...

Banana Gallery - IMG_3202

Banana Gallery - IMG_3201

Banana Gallery - IMG_3203

Banana Gallery - IMG_32061

Banana Gallery - IMG_3205

Banana Gallery - IMG_3201

Banana Gallery - IMG_3207

Banana Gallery - IMG_32081

Banana Gallery - IMG_3209

Thanks guys! any advise/ reassurance would be great!
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