Sorry for not posting more, I've been swamped with farm work and sometimes wonder what I'm doing taking time with some of these fun hobbies. Maybe I just need to find a way to work less and play more!
Anyway, I first tried growing Dwarf Orinoco, Rajapuri, and Ice Cream a couple of years ago. I was hoping they would fruit this year but we had some nights of 20F in January and my efforts to protect them weren't good enough and the pseudostems died, though I have nice pups growing from most of them.
Anyway, to the point of my post. I purchased a so-called "California Gold" pup from Jeff Earl earlier this year (a farm I rent is pretty close to his place) and it is now doing pretty well. But my friend Joe Real made me an offer a month or so ago that got me excited. He wanted to make room in his little tropical garden and told me I could have his mother California Gold if I came up and dug it up. I was a bit surprised at it's size (the pseudostem was 9' 3" tall) when I showed up but I was up for the challenge and Joe gave me a hand. Fortunately, I had a section of white poly pipe (think of it as a large tube like a heavy gauge garbage bag) in my pickup so we covered the leaves with it that hung 6-7 feet beyond my pickup bed. It did have a small pup on it when we dug it up but, unfortunately, that broke off.
It was about a 35 mile drive to my home and I planted it a few hours later and staked it up. The leaves still got torn up some. Joe thought the shock my delay the blooming, but about 2 weeks after it was transplanted I noticed the flag leaf. I'm a bit concerned about the fruit maturing before winter, especially without a good leaf canopy. However, I did notice today that a new pup was emerging. I'm wondering if this might possibly help the growth of the fruit on the mother plant.
Any suggestions/tips would be appreciated.
Thanks again, Joe!