Thread: Herbs
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Old 03-12-2011, 10:32 PM   #11 (permalink)
Jananas Bananas
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Default Re: Herbs

You know I wonder why the AeroGarden people don't have their stuff "named". I would love to know what my little guy's name is, does it look like any you know? Was it just the flavor of the purple ruffles you didn't like? I would be just growing it for the color and the ruffles!

I'll get some chocolate mint! I have a source. It is delicious, if you like mint chocolate chip ice cream, or Andes mints - that's what it reminds me of - it is my favorite mint.

This is a pretty herb I grow that is also in the mint family:

Mint scented plant with purple-spotted tubular yellow flowers. One of the best sources of thymol, an immune stimulant, germicide and bactericide. Historically used for upset stomachs, colds, diarrhea, neuralgia and kidney disease.
Jananas Bananas
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