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Old 03-26-2011, 06:25 PM   #18 (permalink)
Bermy nana
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Default Re: Corm propagation a success

Good Luck BB73!
My four corm quarters each produced a healthy plant from their nodes. I found the larger the corm slice the healthier the plant. My next will be a Manzano and then a Dwarf Cavendish.
As an side, one of the pots with my quartered corm had a compost/soil mix and as a result I ended up with three strawberry and a blackberry plant growing in the same pot.
The heat mat is a good idea, sometimes on sunny days I put my (black) pots in the sun. A few hours in direct sun really heated up the pot and soil simulating more growing season type heat.
I would love to see pics of the progress. It took a month or so before I saw any growth emerge.
Keep us posted.
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