Re: How to get your location on the maps in the wiki
I just noticed this thread (you're pretty brave to let the members make changes to those pages - that's all I've got to say!). My location kept pointing to the Big Island - Hawaii - since I don't live on that island, I looked up a more accurate set of coords and used them (Yeah, I checked, it is veeeeery close now) for the pages of Ae Ae, Dwarf Brazilian (dwarf Apple in HI), Saba, Manzano, and Giant Cavendish (Williams).
Now, if i can just find an Ele Ele, and a Hua Moa. Plus, since I also want a Maoli, I'll keep at least one solid green 'pup' from the Ae Ae since they should be pretty much the same. That should pretty much round out a nice selection of 'nanners.