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Old 04-07-2011, 04:18 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Variegated Musa "Florida"

Forgot I posted in this thread already - this post is pretty much what I said earlier about any Thai bananas.

Ae Ae looks pretty much the same to me, although I've only seen young ones. My Ae Ae also has the color on the edges. Make sure the photos you see were not re-touched to give extra red coloring. That being said, the Ae Ae from Hawaii is a variegated Maoli which tends to have fruit that are roundish on the ends, not pointed. There are plenty of Ae Ae in Florida so it would be easy to take one to Thailand, and tack on a new name, pass it off as a rare new kind for more $$. Also, if the banana was subjected to genetic alteration due to certain chemical exposure which would not show up right away, that could account for the different fruit shape, or the fruit was cut before it could develop the round shape.

Bottom line - I will not trust anything from Thailand that resembles varieties form the U.S. They have shown their level of integrity, and they can go *&%$#! themselves as far as I'm concerned.

It would appear that they have a chemical that will induce / increase variegation, or are irradiating the plants. Doesn't mean it didn't come from Florida. You want to deal with them, that's your business, I want nothing to do with them - I refuse to reward such tactics.

Last edited by Yug : 05-27-2011 at 10:15 AM.
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