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Old 05-07-2011, 10:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
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Name: Angie
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Default Need to fertilize

I am a first time banana grower in southern WI (zone 5). I am still (not so patiently) waiting to plant my two pups I ordered outside....they are doing quite well, and as soon as a new leaf unrolls, a new one is starting to pop up, so I imagine they're happy, despite some brownish/drying on some of the lower leaves. Probably from being inside. I am putting them outside on nice days for some sunlight, preparing them for when I can put them in the ground, and keep them by a window. Needs to be a west-facing keep my cats from chewing on them.

Anyway...I'll most likely need a banana-suitable fertilizer for them, and am wondering if anyone can suggest what to use, and if I can order online? I'm not sure if I'll find anything locally in stores. Should I wait to fertilize till I get them in the ground (hopefully in another week or two)? I want to do right by these guys, I can't wait to watch them grow!

Thank you!
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