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Old 05-13-2011, 12:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Rooting cuttings

I saw a very old thread onb the topic and didn't really want to necro post in a dead thread.

I have tried numerous methods, and have found the best solution for cuttings is just plain coco soil and covered with a dome. Nothing else. Mist frequently, one a week or so I mist with aquarium water. Yes, as in the dirty water drained from a tank a few times a week.

I get pretty darn close to 100% success every time.

After a few weeks, depending on species, I plant very thick nearly root bound masses into new containers. (aquarium water is better than any purchased fertilizer from my experience)

Lately I have found a killer growing medium that was suggested to me by an Orchid grower, 32oz. Polypropylene cups, holes drilled in the sides 1" from the bottom, and filled with Hydroton (clay pellets)

Hydroton has great wicking action, and water pools an inch deep in the bottom of the cup. It has proven impossible to over water the plants, and the water in the bottom of the cup helps maintain perfect moisture.

I have a few bananas planted this way that are growing silly fast, and have very extensive root growth with virtually no maintenance.
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