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Old 05-14-2011, 06:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Rooting cuttings

Also, regarding Sphagnum moss as a planting medium.....

One thing that really annoys me is seeing posts with grossly inaccurate information. One thing I see on Orchid boards frequently is a warning about the use of Sphagnum moss, claiming it retains moisture for excessive periods of time and can cause root rot.

Fact is sphagnum doesn't hold water very well at all, it loses any moisture extremely fast when it isn't exposed to a constant supply of water, like someone spraying/misting daily. Even in humidity trays, it loses it's moisture pretty fast.

Now I'm not saying it is a bad medium. Quite the contrary, It is an exceptional medium. I use it for all my Jewel Orchids. One just has to understand the medium and know how it behaves. Proper amounts of light, watering/misting and it's an ideal medium.

Just be aware of the fact it needs to be watched closely.
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