06-07-2011, 09:30 PM
#163 (permalink)
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Re: Trying to root Cuttings?
This is just about one of the best horticultural experiences I've ever had! Oh how I've waited for this
Remember that one year old 'blue princess' holly cutting I had in my bathroom window? It took a year to root and the leafbud kept swelling and swelling, but didn't actually begin to grow until last week, when it burst wide open with all these leaves! Here it is today...
What makes this so special is not only that it took a little over a year to grow, but also because holly cuttings are not normally rooted this way at all...it's very unusual. It was an experiment...one that turned out successful. I won't take all the credit though because some of it goes to "Wilt-Pruf" which I sprayed the cutting with when I first snipped it.
This thing lived through a cold winter, open windows, steamy showers, and whatever else for over a year and now it's rooted and growing! I'm so thrilled. The male cutting didn't make it but it nearly did. I think I've discovered a new way to propagate holly!
Oh and those are the two 'jack-in-the-pulpit' seedlings that took a year to germinate too, also in the pot with the holly. They haven't begun to grow just yet but are doing well nonetheless. I'm waiting for some new growth and then I will transplant them. I intend on raising that holly girl cutting into a gorgoeus berrying shrub! Yippeeeeeeee!
: )