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Old 08-20-2007, 07:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
More bananas less stress
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Name: Mike
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Joy Hello banana lovers

I was introduced to banana plants when saw a large mat in some ones yard. I’m sure I saw banana plants before but they never were taken care of. I fell in love with the very large green leaves and the tropical look of the plants. I talked this person into giving me a couple of the plants. This person did not know very much about the plants. A couple of months later I happened upon the bamboo farm while working, drawn by the beautiful large leaves. I found out that research was being done on growing bananas in our area. Seeing bananas actually growing on these plants blew my mind and I was hooked.

While visiting the plants witch almost became an every day thing, I met with a doctor who was one of the people over the research. The poor man, I must have kept him for about an hour talking and asking questions. This was the first time I realized there was nothing wrong with me. The doctor had it as bad as me if not worst. He told me that his entire yard was filled with banana plants.

A couple of months later my wife daughter and myself went to a festival at the bamboo farm. They were selling banana pups. Two of the doctors over the research were giving a lecture on the growth and varieties of bananas. I end up spending about two hundred dollars on plants that day that went towards the research. That was three years ago. It has been a learning experience sense. I thought I have visited every site on the web that talked about banana plants until I happened upon this one. I think I am home lol. I am going to enjoy sucking up the knowledge and the experiences that you all have to give.
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