Now would be an excellent time to consider ditching Micro$oft Windoze all together & make the switch to LINUX.
There are some distributions out there that are designed to be very "windoze-like" in appearance & function, making the switch practically painless.
Best of all, you can even run it off of it's own CD first, with nothing getting written to the hard disk so you can check out all its built-in hardware drivers to make sure your hardware is 100% "Linux friendly".
I would suggest PhoenixOS, it's probably the easiest for a windoze user to run.
Created By R.A.C. Computers (click to read up on it)
If you have a slow internet connection or can't burn an *iso file to disc, PM me & I can drop one in the mail to you.
Say 'bye to Bill & Steve & all their built in virus & malware problems!