A couple weeks ago,I received a "Mysore","Monkey Fingers","Praying Hands" and a "Saba" pup Chris was kind enough to give me,through the great help of Kat! Thank you very much both of you for the awesome pups and the help you gave me!
The package took a little longer than usual to arrive but the pups came in relatively good shape with only little rotting,except Saba. This one arrived in liquid state! It only had about an inch of good corm remaining and even this had a few rotten areas. Its survival is doubtful but the rest should be fine!
Here are a few pictures of the pups a couple of days after potting them up,2 weeks ago!
"Monkey Fingers"
"Praying Hands"
"Saba" remains...
I have been away from home the past weeks and have no idea how my bananas are doing. I really hope they have all survived and that those pups are now established and with leafs! I will update today or tomorrow with photos!!!