Thread: Newbie
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Old 08-10-2011, 05:20 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Newbie

Hey KEN!
I'm far from a desert or an expert on naners but i'll give you my 2 cents anyway. If your worried about the shipping as far as heat, all my plants arrived in good condition even from the west coast to the east. It's after i plant them that they seem to suffer (transplant shock) some worst then others. I dust the roots with mycostim and keep them out of full sun for a couple weeks and they start to bounce back. In your case i guess the point is if you have extreme heat try to provide as much shade as you can, whether it be planting in a semi shady spot or putting a tarp over them till they get established and see what happens.(wilt pruf should help somewhat) As far as what kind, go for what you like, won't really know till you try. You can compare to others and they do know there sh*t, but also soil,fert.and watering all play a role! (Research is one of the best things you can do!) Anyway u can find good deals on e-bay or SANDY from here may be able to help you with details and plants.Northern Tropics Greenhouse and enter discount code
bananas25 to start saving today!--GOOD LUCK--
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