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Old 08-10-2011, 03:22 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Default Re: Wow Wow Wow.....

Originally Posted by Yug View Post
Oh, I almost forgot, he mentioned that there was also a Hawaiian banana called Mahoi that also has double banana bunches (no, he didn't have any). He said it is only a Hawaiian type, and has no relation to the Chinese/Williams/Cavendish Double Mahoi that people are familiar with. Gabe, do you know anything about that? Also, which Hawaiian type has the inner leaf green, and the outer part maroon like I described above?
He is right. The true Hawaiian 'Mahoe' is either extinct or nearly so, and it is a Maoli/Popo'ulu banana. I've heard there may be a few left on the Big Island, and I'd be surprised if it wasn't hiding somewhere, but its not available at all.

I've seen a Hawaiian banana with the red leaf pattern you described, but it was unnamed.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.
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