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Old 08-12-2011, 01:38 PM   #321 (permalink)
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Default Re: Time to put the bananas to sleep for the Winter

Basjoos that I have in the ground, I overwinter in place, by mulching, covering with leaves, straw, and, finally, a tarp over the whole thing. Two years ago, I had some basjoos in pots. I took them out, shook most of the soil off the roots, and put them in a a black garbage bag. I put another garbage bag over the tops, and placed them in my basement. The only heat in this room is an electric heater, built into the wall. It's expensive to run, so we only turn it on when we are it the room, which is rarely. It gets to about 50°F in there. I gave the plants no water, from November 5 to April 5. They did fine. Last year, I was even lazier. I just dragged the pots inside, put a garbage bag over the tops, and left them. Again, no water and, again they did fine.

I have not tried these methods with any other varieties. I usually kep others growing over the winter, in bay windows, or in the warm part of the cellar, (where the boiler is) under fluorescent lights.

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