Thread: 2 TC questions
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 2 TC questions

1) If I didn't want to make large volumes of TC (I just want to try it and see how it works), where would be a good place to get an inexpensive small quantity of the TC medium that is pre-mixed and optimized for musa?

2) I've watched videos and read posts about TC, and the clean-room setups. I'm wondering of anyone has used UV light as a sterilization method- bath the tools and sample in UV to sterilize it, drop it in a ziplock with some medium, and blast the bag with an extra dose of UV just to get everything sterilized. Would that kill the sample below surface level, or just clean off the surface? Would UV penetrate the ziplock to sterilize it, or maybe I would have to use a glass jar and stick the UV light inside the jar to sterilize from the inside?

Just wondering if that might be an alternative to buying a hepa filter...

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