Thread: 2 TC questions
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Old 08-18-2011, 11:37 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Default Re: 2 TC questions

You can get good, pre-formulated Musa proliferation medium here (it has everything you need in it): MUSA (BANANA) MULTIPLICATION MEDIUM - Media, Basal Salts, & Vitamins - M462

And for the final stage, rooting and shoot elongation, you can order this: BANANA AGS BASAL MEDIUM - Media, Basal Salts, & Vitamins - B144, and add sugar and a gelling agent (which is available from the same company).

I agree with James, UV will likely not be good enough to do the job. However, the vessels, medium and tools can be easily sterilized properly with a small stove top pressure cooker, and the tissue sterilized with alcohol. These sterilization steps however do not replace using a HEPA filter in your hood, that is to keep things sterile once you start working, but you still need to get everything you put in the hood sterile initially.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.
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