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Old 08-20-2011, 04:44 AM   #109 (permalink)
bikoro child
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Default Re: Bananas in our gardens

Hi, here is an update of my garden (August 2011)

Bananas are invaded by Clerodendron Bungei

Gunnera manicata, trachycarpus fortunei, Eryngium pandanifolium,Hibiscus sino-syriacus...

same plants and hedychiums ,the small tree with white flowers is Clerodendron trichotomum

small sikkimensis

gunnera manicata (still young)

Clerodendron bungei blooming

young sabal palmetto

asplenium scolopendrium and erythrina crista galli

chamaerops humilis cerifera ?leaves are not very blue (the wax is destroyed by too much rainy days in this area)

young jubaea chilensis

unidentified banana :was given to me as an orinoco banana but seems like a cultivar of Basjoo...I remark that leaves are wery wide for the size

Musa hybrid Helen's keeps the same size for years why?

Canna indica and Brugmansia suaevolens

Thalia dealbata and colocasia jack giant

The thalia is jus beginning to bloom

two species of Tetrapanax papirifera growing together (the regular and steroidal giant)

young phoenix theophrastii

Ligularia (i don't remeber the name of the cultivar)

another sort of canna and clerodendron trichotomum

Butia and Parajubaea (certainly TvT)

beschorneria yuccoïdes completely surrounded by weeds

young beschorneria septentrionalis in ground since spring

both of my butias are blooming ,but to late in the season for having fruits
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Last edited by bikoro child : 08-20-2011 at 04:50 AM.
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