Hello friends,
Gabe15 says it could be Cardaba, perhaps. In order to make it more sure, I
furnish you with more infos about my banana.
1. Cold and wind hardy even to have endured 20F with simple protections.
2. Grew very fast, took only 20 months to bloom including the winter time of
3. The stem is not tall, about 8~10ft from the ground to the plant's crown,
but is fat and stout.
4. Fruits look like those of Orinoco, but the tree and the leaves are different.
5. This is my first fruiting of this banana, but the banana friend who gave me
the pups of this banana says the taste is very good when fully ripe.
Pic1 Baby plant:
Pic2 12 months old plant:
Pic3 Flowering:
Pic4 Fruiting: