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Old 09-05-2011, 10:49 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Question Overwintering Ensete Ventricosum inside??

:0491Well, fall is fast approaching, and I am once more facing how to save my babies (giant babies!) from the long grey winter. (I live in Vermont) I just read on another site that unless you have a green house, one cannot overwinter an Ensete Ventricosum. I have overwinterd my Ensete Maurelii 3 years running by cutting all but the psuedo stem off and bringing it in (with help from big strong guys!) to my studio, where I have an east facing window. Why can't I do the same with this one? Actually, my maurelii is so huge this year that I may have to cut if completely off a few inches above the soil line of the pot, and store it in my basement. ?? Or, should I try to store it bare root?? I am really upset with the insecurity of all this. I would feel better if I was certain which way to go. I'm afraid to do anything different with the ensete maurelii but I'm going to have to. As far as the Ventricosum, it'll fit well into my studio in front of the window....:
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