Re: Under attack -- AGAIN!!!
You could try Permethrin (SP ?), I got some at a feed store when I had caterpillars, that stuff kills every kind of bug that there is, works for a long time too. I sprayed some on the concrete leading to the shade house and for about a month I'd sit on the steps and watch the caterpillars try to cross the "Line Of Death" , they'd get a couple of inches across the line and curl up and die. This stuff is also the main ingredient in K9 Advantix for Dogs, it'll keep everything off your dog, even mosquitoes won't bite them. It'll kill a cat though, so be careful if you have any. I tried mixing a little with baby-oil and using it like I did the Advantix on my dogs and it worked like a charm. I wish that I could use it for the mosquito repellant effect. Tried it once,got sick.