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Old 10-25-2011, 07:44 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Storing bananas for winter!!! UGH!!!

Deb, I have had good luck storing them under the house. I do not cover them at all and add no water to them. I do store them on plastic pallets, just to keep them off the ground and air moving around them. No light, no heat, nothing... Now some do better than others. Example, zebrinus does not store well for me at all, but this year I have a bigger clump with largest pstem pushing 6-7'. Now thats just the pstem and without any leaves... I did pot up a few other zebrinus just to make sure I have a couple for next year. As far as the pups being left on, I don't like to mess with the corm at all unless I have to due to size, like the praying hands... Now this is just my opinion and what I do so take it with a grain of salt as I am not nearly the expert that so many others on here are... Just what works for me...

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