WHat type to leave in the ground vs digging up
My second cold hardy question:
I live in north Dallas (hopefully) zone 8, some say 7B and some 8 don't really know which one it is, but regardless it can briefly in the night get down to 15-20F . Maybe we will be lucky this winter and stay above 20F but I doubt it.
Anyhow, what In have in the ground are:
Ice Cream (several so I plan to keep some in the ground and dig some up for storage in my garage)
Only have one of the following:
Dwarf Orinoco
Mona Lisa
Out of the ones above which do you suggest digging up for storage in the garage and which can I keep on the ground and hope they will come back in the spring even if the p-stem wont make it?
I actually had a Basjoo on the northern side of the house surviving last winter which was a record breaker (down to 13F) and it still survived with just some frost cloth wrapped around it in a few layers. That one is actually blooming right now! However a much bigger Basjoo on the southern side with real insulation wrapped around it right by the pool did not make it... Weird.
Any advice is highly appreciated since I only have one of each of these varieties I listed and I want to make sure I make the best decision possible.