Originally Posted by bigdog
Yes, lol! Good eye. I was thinking of planting it yesterday, but planted a camellia instead. I dug up my Musa 'Royal Purple', only to discover that voles were the cause of its puny existence this year (it never grew, and only had two small roots on the corm). The Ensete is in a ridiculously small pot for its size, lol, but I just don't have anywhere to plant it yet. My soil is pathetic here, and I'm saving up for a dumptruck load of topsoil before planting anything else.
Ha! I have been wanting one but I will have to wait till next year. And the moles here have been heck on my plants... I finally just potted most of them up and put the pots in the ground.
I need to get a truck load of soil too (if I could get rid of the under ground rodents)... nothing but extremely fine sand 'round here.