White Sapote - how long until fruiting?
I checked the archives, but I didn't see anything specifically about this. I planted a grafted White Sapote in April 2010 - it was a spindly, whippy little thing. Now I've got a 6-7ft, bushy tree (I trim it back a few times a year) that appears to be very wind tolerant and fairly cool tolerant (survived 27F unprotected with no damage).
It is either a 'Redlands' or 'Younghans' cultivar (the tag was removed at some point and now I can't remember). I bought it from Pine Island in S. Florida, so it seems to be more of a Florida variety vs. California. Has anyone had experience with either of these varieties? Even if you haven't, how long does it typically take for a grafted White Sapote to flower/fruit? The caliper is about 2" just above ground level. I could post a pic, but just trying to get a general idea for now.
Thanks, Nate.
Praying hands: a good way to thank God and a darn good banana, too!
Current varieties: Dwarf Namwah, FHIA-03 (Sweetheart), White Iholena, Maoli, Orinoco, Manzano (Apple), Praying Hands, Dwarf Brazilian, Pisang Raja, Rajapuri, Ice Cream (Blue Java), FHIA-01 (Goldfinger), Kandarian