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Old 12-05-2011, 04:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: The best medium for seed germination in zip lock bags

After putting some seeds that were getting moldy into vermiculate, it looks like the mold growth has stopped forming so I believe there are some antifungal properties in vermiculate. Usually a moldy seed gets moldy again within a few hours after getting cleaned off and returned to the same medium however after a couple days in vermiculate, it seems to have halted altogether

I also doubt that light is the factor as the mold usually starts on a seed, then puts out spores and infects the others. If they are bacteria related, then any contamination on a seed can contaminate the whole bag withing a few hours. Perhaps due to condensation from light energy, mold may spread faster in light. Anyways I plan on using straight vermiculate on all my seeds from now on.
I'm in zone 6 upstate NY, specialize in growing temperate cold hardy bamboos(mainly phyllostachys) and starting to get into bananas.

my picture website is
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