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Old 12-16-2011, 09:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
The Hollyberry Lady
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Hiya Re: Graveyard Deer!!!

Sorry about the glowing eyes but it was my flash. I took these shots this evening...

This time I brought 5 bags of apples with me and fed them all up good before bed! It was so amazing and they would have ate from my hand but my mom was afraid and wanted me to just throw the apples their I did.

It was such a unique and great way to spend part of my evening...walking around the cemetery, feeding the deer my apples. I loved every minute of it.

I'm gonna return again this weekend with some more goodies and I wondered, other than apples, does anyone know of other things deer like to eat? I know they like the flowers we leave on the grave!

I wanted to bring some more grub for them and wondered what they might like. This one looked she was kinda smiling at me...

I'll get better shots when I return. My main goal tonight was to feed them.

: )
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