Re: Occupy Our Food
I, like many farmers, have purchased seeds of crops licensed through Monsanto by choice. I don't know of any farmer personally how has regretted it or complained about any of it other than price, but that goes pretty much for anything (just like consumers complaining about the price of gasoline). I'm currently growing Roundup Ready alfalfa. For the past five years I grew both conventional alfalfa (not licensed by anybody having anything to do with Monsanto) as well as Roundup Ready alfalfa. I use herbicides to control weeds in my alfalfa and the Roundup Ready varieties are able to be controlled without using as toxic of herbicides (Paraquat, in particular), which I appreciate very much. Most of the people complaining about Monsanto have never farmed commercially and tried to make a living from growing food. I may grow my chestnuts using organic practices some day before long but just can't do it for alfalfa (or field corn or wheat, other crops I will sometimes grow).