Originally Posted by Richard
I have no problem with a plant breeder patenting a plant. The patent rights are short-lived and the breeder gets royalties for their work. Many of the fruit cultivars you enjoy were once patented plants.
The common belief of what is "organic" and the reality of "certified organic" food are two different things. Here is a primer: Are you gardening organically?
Oh. I didnt know they patented plants. i thought that was something new that was happening. Thanks for the link. =) I didnt know that patents are short-lived either. but yeah they do deserve something for breeding better food. i need to think about the organic issue more because mom said she couldnt keep her roses alive without fungicide.
Originally Posted by harveyc
I, like many farmers, have purchased seeds of crops licensed through Monsanto by choice. I don't know of any farmer personally how has regretted it or complained about any of it other than price,
Now i understand. the farmers in the video that are complaining are the OWS protesters that have farms. We dont have a farm so all i know is what i read and what i hear.