Question on bananas of Thailand.
All hello! Prompt please on such question. Who knows, where in Thailand the market where it is possible to buy saplings of cultivars of bananas? I know that there their big variety, but I do not know where exactly. And as me the big variety of wild versions in this country interests. I want to visit in the north and to find them as much as possible. I will be glad for the help and councils! Under my information, there very widespread following versions:
-Musa acuminata (malaccensis, microcarpa, siamea, burmannica)
-Musa laterita
-Musa balbisiana
-Musa itinerans
-Musa sikkimensis
-Musa nagensium
-Musa yunnanensis (Along the river Mekong, on border with Burma and Laos).
Tropical agriculturist