Originally Posted by momoese
I think the comments are better than the article itself.
As the farmer stated, when Monsanto crops contaminate your conventional or organic non Monsanto crop, then sue you with the endless amounts of money and resources at their disposal you will most likely loose your small family farm trying to clear your name in court. It's just wrong.
There are a lot more in the comments than the one you chose to comment about. How about the indiscriminate use of rotenone to control those nasty earwigs?
Farmers save seeds from only some of the crops where Monsanto is involved with canola being the most common one that I'm aware of. Canola is a GMO crop to begin with and I don't use canola oil in my home. Some of the parties sued by Monsanto most likely specifically selected areas of their farm for saving seed where it was known to have been contaminated (they only need 5% or less to produce the following year's crop). Still, there are surely some innocent farmers who have been sued by Monsanto and I disagree with them doing this. Although I don't think they should just roll over, losing their farm because they chose to fight is just plain stupid. They can easily buy seed that's not contaminated for a modest amount more than what they're saving by using their own seed.