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Old 02-21-2012, 08:59 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Unhappy !#! Crap, the temp dropped to 32 on my little ones last night for a short while!

I have to ask. This morning the temp outside dropped to 32 for a little while, dont know how long really, but I could see some frost on the cars outside but nothing on the grass etc.
The thing is that since the weather service had promised a min of no less than 39 the whole night I took out all my pups and sensitive plants from the garage and put them outside since Saturday. Oranges, Queen palm and 10+ pups that was supposed to be my next mat of bananas.

What is the chance that they have survived this unexpected drop to 32?

It is ironic, I pulled them in several nights when the temp was far from 32 and the weather service had warned for lower temps. This time there was no warning so I had even turned off the warm air fan in my little mini green house where i have a few sensitive plants... Shoot, I feel so stupid!!
Luckily it will be 70 today and tomorrow here in Dallas.

What do you think, are they toast now or you think I have a chance they will live?
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