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Old 02-21-2012, 05:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: !#! Crap, the temp dropped to 32 on my little ones last night for a short while!

Brix is the percentage of sugar in a plant. The higher it is in some plants the tastier they are, also lowers the freeze temps. Raising the brix may allow some plants to survive temps several degrees below what takes them out. Here in our zone a few degrees can mean a lot to the plants. It takes a while to get your soil to accept the needed ingredients but not anything that is expensive just some labor involved. We use composted cow manure and also composted pine leaves and cones, along with trace minerals that we get from chelated clay and also sea salt. The clay and sea salt contain most of the known minerals and will improve the soil. Putting back what has leeched out and used up by plants is a good way to improve the harvest of any plant.
I'm not too scientific and can't explain much more but it all sounds good to us and shortly we will find out the results. Will try to post results. The last freeze, althought short, only got a few leaves. Hopefully we won't get any freezing weather any more this year.
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