Originally Posted by coast crab
We ain't Birmingham, thank you Jesus. It's "get the best selection night", not "dress to impress crappy people night". Beer, wine, light food, music and plants. There will be some things that we get in small numbers and they'll be gone by Friday morning, especially if Finch writes about them. People come armed with the list, it's always a lot of fun. People fuss when they show up Saturday and what they wanted is gone.
Oakfeaf hydrangeas are fine here, even in my midtown muck if I'm careful. Drainage is the key. Don't know if that will be the same for you. They did great In Ft. Walton, so as long as they don't drown they should be fine.
Oh, forgot to mention, the preview party tickest are 20 bucks - or something like that.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way about Birmingham. It was were I was born and spent the first 18 years of my life so of course I have a soft spot in my heart for where I grew up. But it has always been that way between Mobile and Birmingham. Mobile has a reputation of looking down on Birmingham. But Birmingham just keeps plugging along, getting bigger everyday.
Yeah, I knew the tickets were $20.00, I read it on the web-site. I may go that night.
I love Mobile and don't want to live anywhere else. I can have a problem with drainage, so I usually use raised beds.
See you later. Oh, when is a good time to pick up some of the ornatas? I'll get that list of gingers together and you can see if you want one. I know I have lots of white butterfly and a few Disney. I'll let you know.