Re: shade tolerant fruiting plants?
The southern blueberries, Calif. huckleberries, and artichokes would appreciate partial shade during your summers.
The blueberries -- regardless of hybrid will fruit early enough due to your relatively temperate winter. For flavor, SharpsBlue is the standard and it is self-fertile. O'Neill's is another good pick. Most of the varieties that fruit earlier or later were bred for that feature.
The Calif. evergreen huckleberries have a moderate growth rate if fed regularly and otherwise are slow growers. What a great plant. In the early years the fruits are small but with maturity the fruit size is a bit larger than a pea but smaller than the larger blueberry fruits. I keep saying "Calif. huckleberries" because the name "huckleberry" is used worldwide for a variety of Vaccinium fruits including bilberries and cranberries. Typical native habitat for the Calif. huckleberry is on the east or west drip line of a conifer.
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