Originally Posted by bananimal
Then there are those who want suckers for free - and they don't quit trying to knock down the price. I had one whack-job Master Gardener come back to the booth 5 times. At the end of the day I gave him a sucker to make him go away.
I sell macho plantains 5/$1 and I get people trying to knock me down on price, and I'm like walk over to that Publix and see what they are selling for over there. Probably 2/$1 or 3/$1. For the past 2 months I was selling Fwang Tung Carambolas which are big and sweet for $1 each. Someone actually had the nerve to tell me I was expensive. I looked right at them and told them that I was at Publix this morning buying toothpicks and saw Carambolas for $2.50, so you are actually getting a fantastic deal on a better product. And then you have the Luis Vuitton and Rolex set trying to get you down on prices like it's some type of game. I will come down on price though if someone wants to buy a lot of product. We can make a deal if you are looking to buy 10 Hua Moas and 25 macho plantains