Trebor ---------- I was there a bit before 9:30. We must have passed by each other a couple of times. When I got to the bananas there was one FHIA 2 left so I called Nick. While on the phone a little old lady reached out in front of me and put her grubby little hands on my banana - FHIA 2 that is! When she finally noticed there was some one standing right in front of the plant she said is this one yours? I replied - I certainly hope so.
She took off. When Nick said he'd pass for now I left it.
Funny thing about these plant sales - you have to be there before it opens and get in line. Then run thru the area fast with a cart and snatch everything you want right away. And watch out for those little old ladies with the sharp nails. lol
What's with these little old ladies and bananas? At the grocery store they give you murderous looks when you get near the plantains and at plant sales they try to steal your naner.