Greeting from Phoenix
Good evening everyone!
Great to finally post something here after ages of just cruzing through. I'm a transplant to Phoenix Az, and working to make my yard my own wonderful space.
I got fully hooked on bananas just over a year and a half ago, when I saw a small ensete maurelii at a nursery and had to take it home. From that point I've aquired and have begun growing: dwarf cavendish, ice cream (probably the fake), raja puri, goldfinger, saba, zabrina, and of course the ensete maurelii that started it all (though that tiny little 1 gallon maurelii is now about 6.5' tall!).
My largest bananas currently are my raja, and ice cream and I've begun the search for plants to complete my "tropical" yard.
Many of these bananas are about to encounter their first real Phoenix summer, and I hope they make it! I've considered covering them, but I think I've decided against it. Part of me say's "see what makes it" and make that plant the dominant one in the yard. We'll see if I can stick to that though, as I really do love my plants!
Anyway, looking forward to chatting with you all.
Happy planting!