Originally Posted by barnetmill
Micro-nutrients and the nicotinoid all sound like very good suggestions. I have read of people recommending ashes and also putting mouth balls in the soil so as to surround the tree's base. Also MALATHION been recommended to me.
Naphalene (moth balls) is not licensed for outdoor use by consumers for a number of good reasons. Malathion can control insects on fruit and foliage when sprayed directly on them. Cyfluthrin will do the same thing in a more environmentally responsible way. Wood ash can sometimes discourage pests from establishing a home in the soil but is not very effective deleting an existing infestation -- unless you put down enough to kill the plant too.
Originally Posted by Darkman
And that is because they over winter in the soil?
And that is because after the borer starts to bore through the stem it will die???? or will it stop the placement of the egg?????
Because (1) using it in powder or foliar form has been credibly linked to bee colony collapse, and (2) you are trying to kill the existing borers systemically.