Originally Posted by TommyMacLuckie
The only problem with planting them in some kind of order like that is...they might stay in that pattern but they'll lean, etc, towards the sun as well as away from each other.
Although I do not stick to any strict distance of plant separation with bananas because in general I don't feel like it usually and it's not what I 'go for' a minimum of six feet might be enough. Keep in mind the word 'might'. Just look at how big the mature ones are...look at one in the bunch, and how wide it is total (frondage), subtract half that distance/size and that'll give you an idea of how far on center to plant.
Hope that helps.
Thanks. I'm fine with them leaning out. The trees in the yard have a wide range. I'll upload another picture.
If you look closely, you can see the ones I just planted and the edging I just put in. I'm peeling back the grass as I go.
I'm building up a blind to block the view of the bathroom and shower from the road.