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Old 05-14-2012, 07:37 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sand instead of mulch in flower bed

There will be plenty of weed barrier going down....the industrial stuff not the thin home depot stuff. In that sense, not worried about it mixing with the clay...the clay will soley be where everything is rooted

And Richard...i know what mulch is and the differences between that and compost. I used to work in the family business doing construction and remodeling, which sometimes entailed landscape work. My concern isn't with the sand working FOR me, but against me. Will it alllow the water to get to the plants or will it hold it back, will it choke them out having it surround them, will it be too heavy for the more fragile plants to sprout through, will it allow for me to properly fertile when needed..those kind of things. It is going to be used for aesthetics, that is all...
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