Re: Show your support for our friends in Burma
He was not one of the demonstrators, so there was absolutely no reason
for being shot from a very close distance.
Burmese government insists that he was unfortunately shot by stray
bullets, but this is clearly a lie because the video recorded the incident
perfectly. It seems that the case has been calmed down by military forces,
but the wrold must know the roots should be removed before the tree dies
By the way, Erlend, I posted asking if the pollen of 3n(for
instance Saba/Cardaba) is good for manual pollination for Sikkimensis(2n).
But until today nobody replied, whether or not neglecting, not knowing,
not willing or for any other reasons. My Cardaba? started blooming again
and if it is good, I like to use the pollen next spring for manual pollination
for Sikkimensis.