Re: AeAe leaf edge browning..need help!
I agree with Brent, sunburn is common with variegated plants. That being said, if you increase the rate of growth of Ae Ae's, the sunburn becomes less noticeable. It'll still be there though.
Look in my gallery for an example. Both of those Ae Ae's
were grown in full sun. They were given plenty of everything,(compost, mulch, ferts. etc.) and grew rapidly.
This plant looks like it may have symptoms of a little corm rot, nothing drastic though. It's hard to tell from the pictures,sometimes after winter, the plant will take a while to really get going, but should grow out of most problems once it is warm and hits full stride!
I would keep it in full sun and, save & plant a pup from it in a more shady spot later for comparison. I hope that was helpful!
Last edited by NANAMAN : 05-25-2012 at 03:42 PM.