Originally Posted by robguz24
It seems every time I ask what a banana type is at a farmers market, I get the response "cooking banana" or "plantain" if it is not obviously a Hawaiian Apple. I've only ever been to a few vendors who specialize in bananas and actually know the variety. Most vendors have little or no relation to any of the produce they sell, particularly at our Hilo farmers market.
That's how I felt at that open market. It was on Kaua'i a few weeks ago. There was a shorter fatter banana right next to these so I asked what was that, and the gal said that it's a plantain also, but not as sweet. I should have taken a pix. A few stands down they were selling bananas labeled as ice cream, but swear they looked exactly like these that I bought that seems to be saba. The saba that i bought was half the price of the supposed Ice cream. Does ripened saba and ice cream look that much a like?