Originally Posted by Kostas
How did the Sucrier fare for you in winter? What difference did you see in how it handled the winter from the rest of your bananas? How much cold has it seen? I have a Sucrier cv(Pisang Buntal) i am growing some months now and i debating where to plant it.
Well, it's doing fine now. It didn't like winter -- the leaves it made over winter were much smaller than the ones it had been been making before winter, but now they are back to what they were before. Compared to many other types I have (e.g., Pisang Awak varieties, Dwarf Brazilian, Rajapuri, Manzano, Orinoco, Mysore varieties, etc.), it didn't like winter. On the other hand, it didn't do any worse than all the Cavendish varieties I have. That said, by many standards, we don't get much cold in Ventura. We had no frost this winter. Several nights were in the mid to high 30's (i.e., 1-2 C plus).